
Drake has the number one album in the world, and he may be ending 2022 with a potential new member of his family.

Media Take Out learned that a model, who is described as “thick” and “Russian” is claiming to be carrying Drake’s seed. And it appears that Drake’s legal team is taking her claim seriously

A person close to the rapper explained, “The girl signed Drake’s non-disclosure agreement so she can’t talk about anything.”

Media Take Out confirms that before having any intimate relationship with a woman, Drake requires all woman to sign a “non-disclosure contract.” One of the terms in the contract is that, in the event she becomes pregnant, she will not disclose anything about the child to anyone.

The contract, Media Take Out has learned, is more than 5 pages long – and filled with all types of legal clauses. Drake’s team says that the Russian model claiming to be pregnant did IN FACT sign the paperwork.

Drake’s insider told us, “We can’t say whether it’s Drake’s child or not, they are still investigating. But she’s currently under the non-disclosure so she can’t discuss anything.”

But let’s not jump to conclusions yet. Drake’s pal told Media Take Out that he has had many pregnancy scares in the past, and most of the time the woman is either lying, or the child turns out not to be Drake’s

Well, we’ll just have to wait and see. But Media Take Out can confirm that the Russian model has made her Instagram private … so it appear that she believes that she may be carrying a famous child.


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